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Universitetet i Stavanger Kjell Arholms gate 41, 4036 Stavanger

How to become member?

Do you wish to become a member?

Press the «Bli medlem»  –> «Registrering» button at the top menu. Complete the all fields with the relevant information, and enter your desired sport in the «comments» section.  E.g. «Lacrosse», «Volleyball», «Dance», and so on.

Already a member?

If you already are a member of UiSI, and have been asked to renew your membership, don’t you worry!
Please contact the group leader of your sportsgroup, or contact the memebership-delegate in UiSI here!
When doing so, please submit extra information about your student status (Student/Not student).
A second registration on the member registration form is not needed.

Prices − UiSI-contingent

Note: A membership at SiS Sportscentre may apply.

As of 31.08.2021


Invoices are sent out on fixed dates each semester

Spring: 15. February

Fall: 15. September


One semester: 150 NOK

Exchange student

One semester: 200 NOK

Non student

One year (spring + fall): 1300 NOK

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